Dietitians of Canada: 2017 Member Recognition Award Winner for Leadership in the field of Nutrition
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Samara Felesky-Hunt
B.Sc., R.D. Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist
Samara Felesky-Hunt is a registered dietitian in private practice at THE Downtown Sports Clinics. She holds degrees in clinical nutrition and human biology from the University of Western Ontario. Since 1994, Samara has developed a successful nutrition consulting practice. She works as a nutrition counselor and coach with individual clients specializing in weight management, heart disease, digestive concerns, cancer, vitamin supplementation and sports nutrition.
Samara contracts her nutritional services to the Prostate Cancer Centre, Suncor Energy, and Glencoe Club. Samara is well-known in corporate Calgary and the community, as a nutrition expert, nutrition educator, freelance writer and an accomplished speaker.
For years, Samara had a successful weekly newspaper column entitled "Eat Well" in the Real Life section of the Calgary Herald. Today, she can be seen frequently on Global TV, CTV and Breakfast Television. Samara is often interviewed by Chatelaine magazine, The Globe and Mail, and local radio.
Samara is a co-author with the University of Calgary of two books, "Stress Mastery" and "Bridging Health Care with Self Care" and has completed a nutrition manual for the "Breast Cancer Supportive Care Clinic" in Calgary.
Samara is a vision 2020 nominee for Dietitians of Canada
Recent Professional Contributions include
- Consulting Dietitians Network – Alberta representative (2000 - present)
- Breast Cancer Supportive Care Clinic, Calgary – developed a 12 week nutrition manual for recovery (published 2010)
- College of Dietitians – director (1999 – 2001)
- Dietitians of Canada – reviewer of Diet Guidelines for eye health (PEN) (2005), reviewer/developer of Canadian & American Guidelines For Vegetarians (2000)(2003), DC conference: session hostess (2003)
Recent Teaching & Consulting Assignments include
- Prostate Cancer Centre Wellness Presentations Spoken to over 450 patients - Dietitan Advisor/Presenter
- NDC Nutrition At Work/ Shepell Registered Dietitian for Calgary - Dietitan/Presenter
2007 - present
- Petro Canada –Suncor Energy–EAP dietitian, since 2002
- Glencoe Club - in-house sports nutritionist/dietitian, since 2002
- Prostate Cancer Centre-in-house dietitian, and workshop presenter, since 2012
- Centrum, multivitamin, dietitian advisory committee, since 1997
- Calgary Herald - nutrition columnist, since 2006
- The Young Canadians - in house dietitian
- Petro Canada - EAP dietitian, since 2002
- Glencoe Club - inhouse nutritionist/dietitian, since 2002
- Grace Hospital - Women's Health Resources- nutrition educator - taught over 60 seminars since 1995
- Lifespeak, BoomerangCorporate Wellness, Unilevier, Kellogg's, USA rice federation, California Walnut commission, Altius Rehab - nutrition consultant
Consultant clientele: Lifespeak, Boomerang Corporate Wellness, Matter of Fitness, Unilevier, Kellogg’s, USA rice federation, California Walnut commission, Great West Life Assurance co, Altius Rehabilitation, Crofters Food Ltd, American Peanut Bureau, Weston foods (Country Harvest), Suncor Energy, Lipton Tea, Ryza rice milk, Earth’s own, Rzya, So Nice, Amore, Wheatbix, and Granny’s poultry - corporate nutrition consultant
- University of Calgary – sports nutritionist/dietitian for Dino’s swim club
- Teatro – dietitian to re-design menus for healthy living
2005 - 2006
- Institut de Sante – inhouse nutritionist/dietitian for Living Better Program
- Glencoe Club- inhouse nutritionist/dietitian
- Prostate Cancer Institute- dietitian for wellness research study
- Petro Canada/Warren Sheppel – dietitian-on call
- So Good, soymilk co., Media Representative
- Centrum, multivitamin, Media Representative
- Calgary Herald – monthly guest columnist
Course & Educational Material Development
- Breast Cancer Supportive Care Clinic, wrote and developed 12 weeks of nutrition chapters for recovery group manual, 2010
- on-line "Nutrition for the Heart"- interactive web seminar for Cera (Cardimetabolic Evaluation and Risk Assessment clinic in Calgary)
- Squash Canada, coaches manual for nutrition, performance and squash, 2009
- Dietitans of Canada, reviewer for PEN, vegetarian diets, 2009 & 2006
- Position of the American Dietetic Association/Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian Diets, reviewer, Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 2003
- Nutrition For Prostate Cancer, Nutrition Material/Resource Book-Author (2002)
- "Nutrition For Runners" Chapter - Author, Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery- Author (April 2001)
- Bridging Health Care to Self Care, Course Book – Co Author with The University of Calgary, LWRI. Project funded by CHRA for outpatients with breast cancer and MS (2000)
- Vegetarian Guidelines for American/Canadian Dietitians Manual – Co Author (2000)
- Stress Medicine, Course Book- Co-Author with The University of Calgary (1997-1999)
- Cooking School Program, Staff Nutrition Training Manual & Health Olympics Program- program developer, Gimbel Eye Centre, (1996-1999)
- Eye Health Poster Series- Co- Author, presented at Academy of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons International Conference (1997)
Associations & Memberships
- Dietitians of Canada (1992 - present)
- Alberta Registered Dietitian Association/College of Dietitians (1993 -present), Board Director (1999- 2001)
- Consulting Dietitians of Canada Network (1993 - present), Alberta rep (2000-present)
- The American Dietetic Association (1997- 2000)
Personal Fitness Accomplishments
- 2014 Stampede Road Race
- 2014 Chicago Marathon
Volunteer Work
- Dietitians of Canada, Consulting Dietitian Network Provincial Representative and Provincial Rep for National Nutrition Month
- We Day: Free the Children, October 27, 2015, Calgary, AB
- Fundraiser Committee: 2014, Elboya Oktoberfest
- Supporter: Alberta Ballet, YWCA, Wings of Hope, Juno House