Dietitians of Canada: 2017 Member Recognition Award Winner for Leadership in the field of Nutrition
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Email SamaraPublished Work
Chatelaine – May 2006
Glow – April 2009
Impact - Jan/Feb 2012
In addition to being a monthly guest columnist for the Calgary Herald since 2005, Samara Felesky-Hunt is a regular contributor to magazines and newspapers, and is the de facto nutrition expert for regional TV and Radio stations.
Recent TV & Radio Appearances include
- Shaw TV, Calgary Now, "War on Delicious: Fighting the Sugar Belly", November 26, 2015
- CBC News, "Power Up Your Lunch", August 25, 2015
- City TV, BT: Breakfast Television, "Energize Your Breakfast", February 25, 2014
- City TV, Big Breakfast, "Amore benefits & ideas", November 13, 2013
- City TV, Big Breakfast, "Adding Soy to your diet", April 25, 2013
- News Talk 770, "Weight Loss Do's and Don'ts", April 5, 2013
- City TV, "Healthy Stampede Treats on the midway", July, 2012
- City TV, "Enjoying Soy, S0 Nice", Calgary, April 25; Winnipeg, April 27 & Edmonton, May 7, 2012
- Shaw TV (Calgary), "Goodness of Green Tea", April-May, 2011
- Shine FM, "Green Tea+Benefits", May, 2011
- CBC TV, "Mindful Eating", January 12, 2011
- CBC, "Multivitamins, yes or no, 2011
- Sun Media, "Sugar + sweetners", Fluids, how much do we need?", May, 2011
- Radio commercial: Wonder+ Simply Free, October, 2011
- City TV: Packing Healthy Lunches & Snacks, September, 2011
- City TV, "Shake the salt habit", December 22, 2009
- Global TV, "Juvielle Diabetes & Nutrition", November 21, 2009
- Global TV, "Eating Pink", Country Harvest, October 30, 2009
- Shaw TV, "Alberta needs more Omega's", Sept 10, 2009
- CKLW, "Skin Summer Diet", Windsor radio, July 9, 2009
- Global TV, "Nutrition for Shift workers", November 20, 2008
- City TV, "Stampede Foods", July 10, 2008
- City TV, "Energy Drinks", April 9, 2008
- Global TV, "Protein and Satiety", March 5, 2008
- Shaw Cable, & CFCN Edmonton, "Protein and Satiety", March 4, 2008
- Global TV, "Men's Diets &Health", February 18, 2008
- Lethbridge, The River, "Diets in the new year", January 8, 2008
- Global TV, "Healthy Eating for Holidays", November 24, 2007
- City TV, "Vitamin Makeover", November 7, 2007
- Global TV, "Vitamin Makeover", October 27, 2007
- City TV, "Pregnacy and Vitamin D", October 1, 2007
- BNN TV, Robert Sawatsky interview, "6 Food Issues" panel, RD, June 4, 2007
- CTV, "Vitamin D concerns", May 17, 2007
- Global TV, "Sports nutrition", April 30, 2007
- Global TV, "Detox Diets", March 31, 2007
- Global TV, "Vitamin D", March 28, 2007
- City TV, "Double your Vitamin D", March 14, 2007
- City TV, "Heart health", February 21, 2007
- Shaw Cable, City TV, & Global TV, "New Canada's Food Guide", February 7 & 24, 2007
- Calgary Sun, "Health tops Canuck's concerns", January 17, 2007
- City TV, Radio 660, "Supplements to stay young", January 15 & 16, 2007
- Global TV, "Airline Foods", December 20, 2006
- Global TV, "Christmas eating", November 25, 2006
- Global TV, "Vitamin D", Oct 26 & 28, 2006
- Global TV, "Prostate Cancer & Diet", Sept 23, 2006
- Global TV, "Nutrition for Pregnancy", June 24 2006
- CTV, Global TV & City TV, "Nutrients to protect your skin", July 31, May 27 & June 20, & June 15 2006
- Neighbours, Calgary Herald, "Calcium and Bone Health", May 17 2006
- CBC Radio, "Gluten – Free Trend", May 15 2006
- City TV, "How to Lose those last 5 lbs", April 3 2006
- Global TV, "Portion Sizes", March 25 2006
- CTV, Noon News & Global TV, "Benefits of Grape Juice", Feb 4 & 25 2006
- CKN, Vancouver, Radio, "Diets", February 2 2006
- Broadcast Newswire, "Food Labels", February 1 2006
- Global TV, "What to buy –yogurts", January 28 2006
- Global TV, "Holiday Eating", November 26 2005
- City TV, "Kids and Obesity", November 10 2005
- CJOB, Winnipeg Radio, "Disease Prevention Study Review", October 17 2005
Read Recent Articles by Samara:
- "Top Banana" (Can Bananas make you fat?)
- "Fibre is Your Friend" (Research confirms its an important part of daily diets)
- "Take a Bite out of Cravings" (Food and mood) "Soak Up Nutrients this Summer" (Healthy hair, skin and nails depend on good nutrition)
Recent contributions and articles include:
- "Reading labels", Canadian Living, Spring 2013
- "Foods that help you lose postbaby belly Fat", Canadian Living.com, August 2013
- "Fighting Fatigue", Glow magazine, Spring 2009
- Q & A with Samara Felesky-Hunt, RD - over 20 questions answered on-line, CBC.ca/news/yourinterview/2008/diet-nutrition.html, 2008
- "New study calls energy drinks caffeine overdose in a can", Calgary Herald, September 24, 2008
- "Pro-Secrets of RD's", Fashion magazine, Summer issue 2008
- "Prebiotics", Canadian Health magazine, May/June issue 2008
- "Surviving holiday season", Calgary Herald, neighbours, December 2007
- "Multivitamins key to healthy lifestyle", Calgary Journal, November 21-December, 2007
- "Safe supplementation" - Forever Young magazine, Spring issue 2007
- "Vitamin makeover", Grocer Magazine, October 29, 2007
- "The heart benefits of Omega 3 fats", Globe n' Mail, September 26, 2007
- "Lettuce morning, noon and night", Macleans magazine, May 14, 2007
- "The debate about shape", Flare magazine, April issue 2007
- "Shape up your brain in the new year", Airdre Echo, January 10, 2007
- "Lies we tell our doctors", Chatelaine magazine, December issue 2006
- "What to eat.., at the gas station", Chatelaine Magazine, May Issue 2006
- "Picky Eaters", Canadian Family May Issue 2006
- "Snack Happy", Canadian Family, Summer 2006
- "Defensive Dining", Chatelaine May 2006
- "Go Veggie", Impact Magazine, July / August 2005
- "Healthy Cookie Exchange", Impact Magazine, November / December 2005
- "Sports Nutrition for Runners", HSBC Calgary Marathon Race Guide, July 9, 2006
- "Fish or No Fish", Britannia Newsletter, Summer 2006
- "Outsmart Your Cravings", Family Circle, November 2005
- "Soak up Nutrients", Calgary Herald – Ask the Expert, June 28 2005
- "Taking Stock of Vitamins", Calgary Herald –Ask the Expert, May 25 2005
- "Calming an Irritated Bowel", Calgary Herald – Ask the Expert, April 27 2005
- "How to Eat Healthy on the Run", Calgary Herald – Ask the Expert, March 30 2005
- "Plain Jane Yogurt", Calgary Herald – Ask the Expert, January 2 2005
- Health Quiz, Flare, May 2004
- "Who Will Age Fastest?", Chatelaine September 2001